As many people know, our morning routine sets us up for the day ahead. Whether we start our day positively or negatively, is a choice. Therefore setting ourselves up for success (no matter what that looks like to you), must be a conscious effort.

HABIT #1 - Don't Hit Snooze!
Although it's incredibly tempting (especially if the night before wasn't restful), if you hit snooze you've already failed. Although sometimes it may not feel like it, your brain starts telling you, you've just failed the very first part of the day. There is also evidence that the extra 10 minutes of 'snoozing' disrupts your sleep pattern so much that you end up feeling more groggy.
The long term impact of hitting snooze is actually quite scary. Hitting snooze leads to poor quality sleep and just one week of poor sleep messes with hundreds of genes in your body - leading to heightened stress, lowered immunity, and increased inflammation.
HABIT #2 - Don't Look At Your phone
Technology plays a huge role in our lives. It's likely that we rely on it for the majority of life tasks even outside work. You only have to go to your settings on your phone to see how many hours you spend looking at your screen to get a little shock.
"Immediately turning to your phone when you wake up can start your day off in a way that is more likely to increase stress and leave you feeling overwhelmed." – Dr. Nikole Benders-Hadi
So when you first wake up, don't instantly start scrolling through emails, social media or anything else that takes your mind away from what you need to do that day. There are many morning routines to get your mind in the best position for success (journalling, meditation, gratitude, movement, cold water therapy etc.).
HABIT #3 - Complete ALL Morning Routines
Making sure you complete ALL of your morning routines (movement, gratitude, meditation, cold water therapy) will help you create a positive feedback loop of success in your mind. You start to feel good about yourself. Your confidence in your ability increases and if you become consistent over a number of days (not weeks), you'll start to feel more prepared for any obstacles that come your way.
Benefits of a Positive Morning Routine
Hopefully everyone understands that a positive morning routine sets you up for the rest of the day and ultimately, it's in your control! The main benefits of a positive morning routine are;
Decreases anxiety
Decreases stress
Boosts productivity
Boosts mood
Sharper focus
Increases confidence
Generates dopamine in your brain