Josh Llewellyn-Jones
Josh has undergone a journey of self-discovery as a successful ultra-endurance athlete allowing the delivery of truly inspirational talks on wellbeing and performance. Josh has a wealth of experience in performance & leadership coaching and now has a new mission to lift a million people through Lift Club by unlocking clients full potential.
Having also been a speaker on the International stage, he’s delivered inspiration, motivation and energy for companies and charities alike.
Read Josh's story below.
His Story
Since the day he was born, Josh has defied all odds. Given 10% chance of surviving his first night to then grow up being told he wouldn’t make it to 30, Josh is living proof that the power of the mind can have truly astounding effects.
Over the years, he’s been able to push his body and mind to the limits and shown millions of people worldwide through social media, what can be achieved if you put your mind to it.
At 17 he climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro and had a sparring match with former European Heavyweight Scott Welch. At 21 he was knocked down by twisted intestines and was told to say goodbye to his family. After a year long battle he came back and decided to dedicate his life to helping others.

At the age of 29, he decided he wanted to celebrate the birthday he was always told he wouldn’t make by completing the ‘24hr World’s Fittest Man Challenge’ which saw him complete a 100 mile cycle, 10 mile run, 10 mile row, 10 mile cross train, 2 mile swim, lift 100 tonnes, 3000 sit-ups, 1000 press ups and 1000 squats. He completed it in 22hrs10 minutes and was the 4th person in the world to successfully complete the challenge with three, two minute breaks. He then went on to do another 10 mile row to finish the 24hrs.
In 2018, Josh then set his sights on a World Record. Not wanting to just beat the old world record of lifting 475,000 kilos in 24hrs. Josh decided to lift 1,000,000 kilos and completed the challenge in 22hrs11mins which equates to 755kg’s every minute, whilst he had a broken hand.
Since then, Josh has completed many ultra endurance events including more recently completing a 24hr run with stress fractures in both legs. He tore his quad after just 20 miles but continued the challenge to finish on 69.2 miles in the 24th hour.

World Number 1

A truly inspirational individual, Josh has raised nearly £1m for charities and set up his own children’s charity ‘CF Warriors’ to help children with cystic fibrosis all over the world get into sport and exercise to help them live healthier, happier and longer lives.
As a Leadership Coach, Josh has helped management teams to remove limiting beliefs, improve communication and increase productivity, performance and fulfilment. Whatever the mission for the business, Josh connects with everyone in the team and through his passion for getting the most out of people, the team will achieve their goals and overcome any obstacles thrown at them.
If you want to work with Josh and his team, please click below.